Covid-19 Support Services

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Our response to COVID-19 focuses on reaching out to the vulnerable communities with dry ration and hygiene kits, raising awareness among the communities, and supporting frontline workers, medical and paramedical staff with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Our goal is to provide gender-sensitive public health support and humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable families so that the impact of the crisis on children, girls, and young women is mitigated.

We stand in solidarity with the COVID-19 warriors and have been lending support to frontline workers and medical and paramedical staff with PPE kits, hygiene kits, and hospital infrastructure supplementation. We have distributed PPE kits to workers and hospital staff. Frontline workers have also been supported with hygiene kits. Additionally, triple-layer masks and gloves have been distributed. 

Many of the workers were came back to their village to overcome with covid situation, there was an issue with the food, we have distributed foods to the families.

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